Monday, April 23, 2007

project closeout

The Project worked out pretty well. I was going to try and integrate the VRs into flash to make it more seamless but this would have taken more time and I did not have the time to learn how to make that work. The VRs that I made worked out pretty well. I found out that the more photos that you take the more likely you are to get a VR that stitches together very nicely. here is a link to the Sample tour that I did.

Sample Tour

I still need a page for myself that shows what I do and how I do it. I have not had time to create one yet but eventual I will make one so that prospective customers will be able to see my site and view my tours. Hopefully this will build interest in my business.

I have leaned a lot about project management about what it takes to plan out a project and anylize what the repercussions of the project may be.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

VR Sample

This is a VR sample that will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

How its done

How do the 360º tours work?

1. I communicate with the real-estate company and make sure I have everything that they need from me and that I have everything that I need from them. I also ensure that the owner gets the checklist of thing that need to be done before the tour begins.

2. I will go out and visit the home and take a walk through and see the rooms and figure out which ones we want to do and in what order.

3. I then take snap shots around in a circle using a tripod. The smaller the room the more pictures it takes to ensure that they will go together seamlessly.

4. I then take all the photos and stick them together using a program that is designed to do just that. I then save it as a Quicktime VR file.

5. Once I have all the VRs I then put them into a Web template to show them off. Once the VRs are in the template I'll submit the project to the bosses and then upload it to the server.

Customer Checklist

360°Tours Checklist

□ Is the house picked up to present a clutter free home.

□ Is the yard kept up and mowed the tours will begin and end with a shots of the front and back yards.

□ Is the house clean and free from anything that would be a turnoff to the viewer of the tour.

Note: You want the viewer of the 360° tour to evaluate your home and not be distracted by the objects and temporary condition of your home. Even thought your possession will not be in the home when they move in a nice and tidy house is more appealing to someone and it allows then to more easily imagine what it would be like for them to be living in your home. I believe that doing the above tasks would benefit the buyer and the seller and increase the chance of a successful transaction.

This is a check list that I have come up with to give to the home owner to make sure that they understand what needs to be done before I come a do the 360º tours. This ensures that at least the owner has an idea of what image we are trying to portray with the 360 tour.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

My business objectives

Business Objectives that 360 Home tours can help you to accomplish:

1. Sell the house fast for both seller and buyer.
a. A faster turnover rate will increase your profits and help build a reputation.

b. Causes the seller to have more confidence in you. The fact that you have 360° tours on your website shows a level of sophistication that will impress your customers. It allows you to be more sophisticated than other agents and this will give you more business.

2.Improve customer knowledge of homes in the area.

a. If the potential buyer can see homes that are available in the area they may be able to direct the agent more effectively to a home that they are interested in buying.

b. Decreases the time spent with agents showing houses. If the customer can see the house online and decides that they do not like the house they don’t have to waist the time of the agent to show them that house.

3. Increases the confidence in the real-estate company.

a. Not everyone will have 360 tours of there homes. The fact that you offer that is impressive to many people.

b. Makes your company more professional.

4. Increase Internet sales and Internet traffic.

a. According to the percent increase in internet usage since 2005 has increased by “43% in the number who said the internet played a major role when they looked for a new place to live.” Pew Internet and American life project is a respected company that evaluates trends in the American people including the real-estate industry. They are commonly referred to by the National Board of Realtors. This is significant number of people that look to the internet to find homes. These are numbers that should not be ignored and should be catered to.

b. Having more to show a person when they come to your site is going to cause them to have more confidence in you as a real-estate company. When you are researching a company whether it’s a company that you are interested in investing in or inquiring their services, or trying a buy a book from them you go to their website and you evaluate them immediately on the appearance of their site. The site reflects the integrity of the company. If you have a site that lets people know that you are organized and professional then they perceive it that way. On the other hand though if you present a site that says we don’t have the desire to have a respectable web presence it says something about your company. Having features on your site that other companies of the same nature don’t have like 360° tours will give you that edge to make the customer believe in your company.

5. Increase internet leads

a. The more you have to show them the more people are going to have calling you wanting to see your homes.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Executive Summary

In today’s world technology is moving so fast, and technology tends to take industry with it. The purpose of this project would be to allow you to use technology to bring the homes that you are trying to sell to the customer instantly. Potential buyers can take a tour of the house without even leaving the comfort of their living room. Swanepoel puts out a book ever year about the major trends in the real estate industry and the internet ranked in the top 15. So needless to say that internet impacts the industry. When your clients go to the internet to find a house, and they will, you are going to be waiting there ready to show them a house day or night with a 360 home tour. In Tallahassee 10% or more of the population are real-estate agents. There are about 2000 members of the Tallahassee Board of Realtors. This makes for a very competitive market. If you were one of the only real-estate agents that offered 360° tours of all your homes that would give you an advantage over your competition. Having 360° tours of your homes will increase interest and revenue for your business. The tours will help to sell your homes more efficiently and generate a faster cash flow.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Time estimates

I am currently working on the Time estimates to do the 360 homes tours. I am also trying to pin down exactly How I am going to create the tours. I am still trying to research whether or not using the Quicktime VR program is even compatible with Micromedia Flash program. These things and more.